Is it possible for your ex to rekindle feelings after a breakup or is it final? The solution might lie in astrology. The rehabilitation process frequently seems to stretch on indefinitely after a breakup, which might seem like a piece of yourself has been torn off and crushed into a million pieces. There are some ex-lovers who we can never fully purge from our systems, no matter how hard we try. We obsess over them, stalk them online, and perhaps even attempt to maintain a friendship with them in order to maintain some sort of relationship with them. Even your ex-partner might reappear in your life occasionally, according to astrology.
According to our analysis of your chart, it would be challenging to repair your relationship with your partner. You are not well suited to the current continuing moment.
You must make plans for the future and leave the romance behind. Your life may receive much-needed relief in the period between April and May 2023 in the form of a pleasing person or circumstance.
Venus, the lagna lord, is positioned in the third house of the Tula Lagna; Jupiter, Ketu, and Mars, the seventh lord, are positioned together with Mars in the twelfth house; Seventh-house ruler Mars was debilitated in the Navamsha, and the Moon was positioned there. Venus Antar Dasha begins in May 2023, and Rahu Maha Dasha is still in effect.
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